7 Phenomenal and Advanced Robot

ASIMO tangible like an astronaut with the height and weight 130 cm/54 kg. ASIMO created by Honda Motor Co. has the ability to walk and even run. Robots that have the resources of ion battery is capable of wirelessly controlled by computer and receive voice commands. Unlike other robots that have a rigid movement, Asimo movement more smooth so it can be enabled for a variety of jobs.

2. T-52 ENRYU

A 3.3-meter robot created plays Japan for the purpose of rescue. ENRYU which means dragon was first created in 2004 to assist the evacuation of victims of earthquakes and disasters that occurred in Japan. This robot has arms that can lift a 500 kg object. In 2007, created a newer version of this robot, called T-53, to rescue earthquake victims in Niigata, Japan.

3. Roomba

The robot produced by iRobot is able mebersihkan house without orders. Sold at 200-500 U.S. dollars, the robot has been used by an estimated 2 million houses in the world is able to clean furniture, floors, stairs, and carpet. Every touch items made from different materials, this robot will adjust it so that the cleaning process does not damage the goods. iRobot sekolmpok itself was founded by people calling themselves "geeks" from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

4. Spirit and Opportunity

Spirit and Opportunity is actually a NASA project to explore the signs of the presence of water and life on Mars in the past. Every day, this twin robot receives a different instruction set. Has traveled a great distance, until now managed to send the Spirit and Opprtunity 132 000 image that is able to convince the scientists about the existence of water on Mars.

5. Da Vinci Surgical System

Was first introduced in 1999, this robot has reshaped the operating room in many parts of the world. Da Vinci Surgical System and Technology EndoWrist have made many surgeons who previously had to stand in front of the patient to operate on a comfortable seat and only works to control the robot. This robot is equipped with micro-instruments, capable of mimicking the hand movements and operate with more care, even for melaklukan cancer surgery.

6. Audio Animatronics

This robot type was first produced in 1963 in the form of birds in Disneyland's Enchanted Tiki Room. The next year, this type of robot is also exhibited in New York world's fair in form fihttp: / / Siteno = 1gur animated Abraham Lincoln. Robot latter is capable of charming visitors with making 57 types of movement.

7 Unimate

Invented in 1961 by General Motors to facilitate some factory work. Two robot maker weighing up to 1800 kg is inspired by one of science fiction films of that time. The creation of this robot is making his debut sparked PUMA (Programmable Universal Machine for Assembly) in 1978 which is a standard robotic equipment used in industry today. 

source :google.com

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